PUSH.fm – a free e-commerce alternative to Sellfy

Both PUSH.fm and Sellfy offer creatives an opportunity to sell products digitally. However, Sellfy’s starter subscription costs $19 per month. With PUSH.fm, you can sell unlimited products for free.

Sellfy vs PUSH

Sellfy, which is basically a carbon copy of Shopify (but that’s another story) are an online e-commerce platform. Offering users a platform to sell their products. Small businesses and individuals can go online and set up their own shop without needing a background in coding or programming. However, they’re quite an expensive platform to choose.

PUSH.fm on the other hand, are completely free. To create a Pay Link won’t cost you any money. You can simply set up your digital link and start selling your downloadable files. This enables a business owner of any size to get involved and create themselves a professional looking landing page. They don’t need to spend money they haven’t yet made.


Sellfy are an e-commerce platform which allow creators to sell either physical or digital products. These users can create their own shopfront which will represent their brand. Their shop will be hosted by the Sellfy server, but will have its own domain name. Into your mini website, you can embed social platform links.

Easily allowing your visitors to find your promotional material elsewhere. Keeping all platforms together can help grow your audience because if someone finds you on one platform, they’re able to follow you across the board. You can track Facebook Pixels which help you identify where your target market is coming from and monitor your link performance.

Sellfy logo

They offer multiple types of payment options. Your consumers can purchase through Stripe or PayPal. You’re also able to add limited download options to your files. This is great for preventing your buyers from sharing your products and perhaps profiting off them. However, it’s a little unfair on genuine buyers. They’ve bought the product and should have access to it.

With Sellfy you get a 14-day trial before you have to pay for your account. It isn’t a free service. You must pay for using their server. Their basic tier option is $29 per month. From here you’d have to pay $79 or more to upgrade further. This is harmful to new businesses as they simply can’t afford the costs straight up.

Sellfy pricing

Above, you can see the various pricing options. These prices are per month, however you can pay annually or every two years which will decrease the cost overall, but it is an incredibly strong hit. Perhaps large businesses could manage this, but for smaller, independent brands, it just isn’t achievable. A lot of creators struggle to start with.

They require help with marketing their products which they aren’t getting when they’re having to pay out money they haven’t yet earned. Starting out is always difficult. With the prices Sellfy charge, they might as well look elsewhere, or even get someone to create a website for them because Sellfy aren’t typically great value for money.


PUSH.fm are a platform which offer free marketing tools to anyone who may need them. Whether you’re a large business or a small creator just starting out in the industry – everyone can access our tools. One of our tools we offer is similar to Sellfy’s concept. Our tool is called Pay Links which are customisable URLs where you can sell digital products.

Creating a Pay Link won’t cost you anything. You can make your own in minutes. They offer a unique landing page which contains your digital file. Your consumers simply pay and download your item. Once they’ve purchased it once, it’s theirs forever. If they need to redownload it, then can continue to do this without a cap.

PUSH logo

We offer two types of payment options for your consumers. They can either pay by card or via PayPal. You get full control over which methods you include in your Pay Link. If you only want to include one option, you can. Or, you can select both. As a creator, you can make as many Pay Links as you require. If you need one for each product – go for it!

PUSH offers a Premium tier. This upgraded version includes Custom Backgrounds, Facebook Pixel and Competitions. You also get more storage than the basic account. A basic account gets 1GB of storage, whereas a Premium account has 50GB which is a huge difference. The main thing to note is, PUSH’s paid tier is only $5 per month.

PUSH pricing tiers

You can see above PUSH’s pricing plans. The free account will always be exactly that. There’s no trying to catch you out or encouraging you to upgrade. Simply, there is no gatekeeping. Then there’s the Premium version which is $5 each month. There’s no option to pay annually, but we’ve ensured to keep this price affordable.

We created the platform with beginners in mind. Of course, as mentioned, the platform is for anyone of any size. But, we understand and care about the struggles of beginner brands, creatives and businesses. That’s why we want to make as many of our tools free as possible. If you haven’t already, try out our Pay Link option and let us know what you think!

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