Avoid adverts within your Smart Links by switching from Linkfire

Linkfire offers creatives a platform to market their work through the use of Smart Links. However, these links come with one annoying extra… adverts. No one wants to dodge pop-ups while viewing your URL. Switch to PUSH to avoid this.

Smart.url was a platform that many creators, especially music artists loved. It was a place that allowed smaller creators to have a voice, to share their work with their fans and begin to grow. However, in recent years Smart.url was bought out by Linkfire, and that’s where things began to change. Linkfire have been described as money hungry, and it’s no surprise why.

While Linkfire might be a popular platform with some creators, many decided to close their links down when they acquired Smart.url. People noticed adverts started popping up on their links. Why would you want to promote another service on a link that is made to promote you and your brand? As you can see in the image above, they’re quite obvious.

Linkfire adverts are distracting

Linkfire’s adverts are an eyesore. They are unavoidable when your audience are scrolling through your links. It’s one of the first things they’ll see, and the last. As you can see in the previous image, they apply an advert to the top and bottom of the page, so your audience can’t overlook it. Your bounce rate will probably be high because of this.

If someone accidentally clicks on the advert, they’ll be redirected. This means your link has a really high bounce rate. No one is sticking around for long enough to explore your work because they’re being sent elsewhere. It defeats the point of your Smart Links. However, Linkfire don’t seem to mind because it brings them more money.

Linkfire want more money

Not only are you investing your time and effort, but also your entire brand. You expect the company you’re giving this to, to be able to live up to your expectations. However, it seems Linkfire use it as a way to boost their own sales. While they’re being paid from the likes of Apple Music for that advert, your link is being overlooked.

People have said that the site is slow too. This isn’t what you want when creating a Smart Link. The point is, your audience are saving themselves time by visiting your URL and finding the platform they require. If Linkfire’s links are slow to load, you’ll get people who are tired of waiting closing your link and going elsewhere.

PUSH.fm’s Smart Links are ad-free

When you create a Smart Link using PUSH.fm, you won’t have any adverts taking up space on your links. We offer both a free and a Premium service. Both are completely free from adverts. The only content within your links is the content you place there yourself. Our links can be completely personalised to best represent you.

We offer various template options, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs. You can even start from scratch and add only the elements you want to be included. You’ll decide your Feature Image, store logos, URLs, description – every part of your link is yours to design. Once your link has been created and published, it’s ready to use straight away.

If you decide to upgrade your account to our Premium subscription, you will even be able to add your own Custom Backgrounds and use Facebook Pixel to track your links. Seeing who is using your links and where they end up. This will help you expand your company as you’ll know exactly what your audience are looking for.

You won’t see long wait times for your landing page to load because we haven’t added extra content to your Smart Link. There is no pressure to upgrade your account either. Both accounts will receive the same quality of support. If you do want to upgrade, it is just $5 per month, and you can cancel at any time.

We aren’t looking to make money from our users. We created PUSH with beginners in mind. Completely understanding how difficult it can be to start out in your career, and that’s why we will always keep our free accounts that way. Our users have a lot of positive comments to say about PUSH. If you haven’t already, switch today!

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