Add TikTok as a follow command for Reward Links and Competitions have expanded two of our popular tools; Reward Links and Competitions. Allowing you as creators to encourage your fans to follow your TikTok, and the best part is, they’re rewarded for doing so!

Grow your TikTok followers through our marketing tools. Screen recording of a Reward Link in action GIF.

We’re always updating our marketing tools here at PUSH, so we can be certain that we’re giving our users the best options possible. We offer multiple free tools, so you can market your content without a heavy price tag. Even our paid tools are great value for money.

For just $5 per month, you can access all of our Premium features. This is a subscription that can be cancelled at any time, you aren’t tied into a contract. Therefore, we can be sure we’re giving all users the best possible deal. See our pricing tiers below.

Grow your TikTok followers through our marketing tools. PUSH pricing plan.

Our brand-new update will see users being able to add TikTok to their list. PUSH users have always been able to add TikTok to their Smart Links, directing their fans to their TikTok account. However, until now, they haven’t been able to do so within our other tools.

A Smart Link is a digital housing system for all your URLs. So, adding TikTok to your Smart Link will enable your fanbase to find your TikTok account when looking at your marketing link. Whether it be through your Bio Link, or another link template.

Follow on TikTok command for Competitions and Reward Links

Now, you will be able to add the command of follow on TikTok to your Competition and Reward Links. This means, your audience are rewarded for following you on the video platform. You’re far more likely to increase followers with these tools.

A Competition is a paid feature on PUSH. It allows you to create a digital contest. Your audience must complete a set amount of tasks, chosen by you in order to enter your competition. Once it has ended, you will be able to choose a winner.

A Reward Link is similar, however, everyone is rewarded. This is a digital only prize. You set the action requests, such as follow on TikTok. Your fans then complete these tasks and once they are done, they can download your digital thank you.

Until now, there wasn’t an option to add TikTok to your list of requests. However, we’ve worked hard on adding this feature as we know TikTok is an important platform for content creators. So, if you’re looking to increase them, we suggest creating one of these tools.

You can see other articles on exactly what these tools offer and how they can benefit you. We also have a Support Hub that will provide you with this information. Please note however, we cannot force anyone to follow your TikTok account.

By this, we mean, like with Instagram and YouTube, it cannot be made mandatory. You can add follow on TikTok as an option within your Competition and Reward Link. However, your audience will have to press follow. This isn’t something done automatically. sign up for free GIF
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