Improve your email outreach with free tool – Mail Grader

Mail Grader is a new tool owned by Neil Patel and his company. It offers an email reviewing service, completely free. This service is currently in testing stages, and therefore might not be finalised.

Improve your email outreach with free tool - Mail Grader. Jim Carrey typing extremely fast GIF.
Credit: Giphy

Neil Patel, the King of SEO, should at this point be a household name. After all, if you’re someone who deals with SEO and all things marketing, you will know who he is. He owns Ubersuggest, and AnswerThePublic amongst other things. His business model is telling others where they’re going wrong with theirs, essentially, and… it works.

You can request that Neil’s team review your website, SEO, keywords, the lot, and they inform you of where you can improve. The idea is, that with their help, you will be able to strengthen your business model and reach new clients. Therefore, increasing revenue in the long run. Now, they’ve introduced a new product too which will benefit those who rely on emails.

Mail Grader, is a product still within beta. They recently sent round an email to their users asking for them to try it out and review it. This will help them know where they’re going wrong, or what elements they could add to improve the service. The idea behind Mail Grader is that they review your current email marketing techniques, telling you how to improve.

They ask you a bunch of questions, and at the start you input your website URL. From there, they can gather information about your current email marketing strategy. They break down your answers at the end and give you a score on your current performance along with some improvement tips. Their product idea is extremely useful to all sizes of business.

How to use Mail Grader

First, you’ll be asked to input your website URL. This will be so they can scan to see what type of business you are, what you offer, and potentially who your audience is. This website information will help them help you.

Next, they’ll present you with questions. Each section has multiple questions within. These sections all add up to the overall result. The sections are all individually named, and each question is a simple yes or no answer.

You will be required to answer questions such as how many users do you have. It’s important for small businesses to know these facts roughly anyway to help them with their product management.

The questions take no time at all and once finished, you will be presented with a meter showing you where you currently sit. It will review your current efforts and let you know if you require improvement.

They’ve acted in a really clever way. After all, they’re getting as much from you as you are from them. The reason they’ve released this in beta to their users is so they can gather feedback. Allowing them to see where they’re going wrong, and whether the product would be used by their current client base. This data is collected from the product review they request.

For a company that is hot on email click-through rate and all other marketing terms, it makes sense. They likely see a large influx of interest and clicks because they’ve emailed everyone about testing a brand-new free product. It’s quite hard to resist as it makes companies feel important. Almost like they have been selected to trial this new venture. sign up for free GIF
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