Plan your next event via WhatsApp

WhatsApp, the messaging platform, are working on ways to expand their current app. Currently, in the works, is a new event feature which would allow events to be planned and pinned within groups.

Do your plans ever make it out of the group chat? If you’re in a WhatsApp group with multiple people talking away, things can often get overlooked. Plans and events get missed. But, not any more. Now, you will be able to pin events to the chat through a new feature.

WhatsApp is making it easier for groups to plan events, whether they’re virtual or in-person. With the new events feature, friends, schools, and neighbourhoods can organise things like birthday parties and work meetings right in their group chats.

Here’s how it works: members of a group can set up an event, and it will show up on the group’s information page. There’s even a separate chat thread just for discussing the event. This way, everyone can see who’s interested, hear any reasons why someone can’t make it.

WhatsApp is also improving its “Announcement Groups” feature. Members can reply to announcements with comments and feedback for the admin. The replies will be kept minimised and the chat muted, so people can join in without getting too many notifications.

The events feature will roll out first to WhatsApp Communities, which are like Slack or Discord groups within the app. Later on, it will be available to all groups. WhatsApp Communities also make it easy for up to 32 people to have video calls together.

What a great idea for content creators and musicians. Invite everyone you know to your event easily and see their responses. No one can miss the notification, so you know everyone will have seen the invite. It could make planning much smoother for everyone. sign up for free GIF
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