TikTok testing 60-minute videos for some users

TikTok are working on a way of adding 60-minute videos. These could be long-form vlogging content, or even TV episodes. It could open new doors for creators by offering more opportunities.

TikTok is experimenting with allowing users to upload videos up to 60 minutes long. This new feature is currently available to a limited group of users in certain areas, and there are no immediate plans to roll it out widely, as confirmed by TikTok to TechCrunch.

A shift from short to long videos

When TikTok first launched, users could only upload 15-second videos. Over the years, this limit has gradually increased. Initially known for its short, catchy videos, TikTok is now moving towards longer content to compete with platforms like YouTube.

Why longer videos?

Many creators have expressed the need for more time to share detailed content, such as cooking tutorials, beauty guides, educational lessons, and comedy sketches. TikTok believes that by allowing longer videos, creators can explore new or extended types of content.

Competing with YouTube

By offering the ability to upload 60-minute videos, TikTok aims to attract creators who typically post on YouTube. This move could encourage these creators to share their long-form content on TikTok as well.

Potential for full episodes of TV shows

The longer video limit could also enable networks to post full episodes of TV shows on TikTok. For example, last year, Peacock shared the first episode of “Killing It” on TikTok, but it was split into five parts. With the new limit, networks wouldn’t need to divide episodes into segments.

Attracting new viewers

Networks often upload the first episode of a TV show on YouTube to gain new viewers. With TikTok’s expanded time limit, they could do the same, reaching a broader audience on another popular platform.

TikTok’s move to test 60-minute videos shows its intention to diversify content and compete more directly with YouTube. By allowing longer videos, TikTok hopes to give creators more flexibility and attract more comprehensive content to its platform.

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