Spotify’s new Spanish-speaking DJ is the work of AI

Spotify are currently trialling a product which sees a Spanish-speaking DJ. This is all the work of AI. With Spanish being the second most spoken language worldwide, it’s about time more tools are added.

Spotify's new Spanish-speaking DJ is the work of AI. Spotify AI DJ demo.
Credit: Spotify

Spotify added its AI DJ feature a while back, and it has proven to be extremely popular with users worldwide. The feature shares personalised songs selected by the AI for that user. These songs are chosen based upon the listener’s streaming habits, and artists they like.

This feature will soon be available in Spanish. The DJ will speak Spanish and announce each track and artist in the language. All of these rumours began because a tech-savvy reverse engineer, Chris Messina, spotted something within the app’s coding.

He then took to Threads to share his findings. It would be an awkward situation if Spotify went back on this now. The findings suggested that people would be able to switch the AI DJ from English to Spanish, and that the DJ would change its name to DJ Livi in accordance.

Spotify's new Spanish-speaking DJ is the work of AI. Spotify's coding for DJ Livi.
Credit: Chris Messina

The new AI DJ should hopefully be available within Mexico soon. If it does roll out, it will be the first language expansion feature that a streaming store has seen. AI DJ is already a much used and valuable tool. Let’s hope for Spotify that DJ Livi will be as popular.

“At Spotify, we routinely conduct a number of tests aimed at letting users express themselves through the music they love,” a company spokesperson said. “Some of those end up paving the path for our broader user experience, and others serve only as important learnings.”

Image Credits: Chris Messina

These were Spotify’s comments on the news. They neither confirmed nor denied the Spanish AI tool. However, their comments do strongly suggest, along with the evidence of the coding, that this feature will be launched fairly soon.

With Spotify being so popular amongst the US market, where a lot of people speak Spanish, it makes sense that the platform would start branching out to include a Spanish AI. We can’t say when this will be rolled out officially, as Spotify have yet to comment. sign up for free GIF
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