How to collect testimonials as a creative – a guide to building trust and credibility

Testimonials help boost your business. They’re important for all brands, but especially small creators because their art is their passion, and they want others to love it the way they do. It’s not cheeky to ask for some feedback. It could give your business the boost you’ve been looking for.

Testimonials are powerful tools that can help you build trust, showcase your skills, and attract new clients as a creative professional. Whether you’re a photographer, graphic designer, illustrator, or any other type of creative, testimonials serve as social proof that you deliver quality work and provide a positive experience.

However, collecting these valuable endorsements can sometimes feel awkward or challenging. Creatives can feel out of place or cheeky asking for some words of recommendation, but, they shouldn’t. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to collect testimonials effectively, ensuring you get the feedback you need to boost your creative business.

1. Deliver exceptional service and build relationships

The foundation of any great testimonial is exceptional service. Before you even think about asking for feedback, make sure you’ve delivered high-quality work and provided an outstanding client experience.

  • Go above and beyond: Aim to exceed your client’s expectations with your creative output, communication, and professionalism. Happy clients are more likely to provide glowing testimonials.
  • Build a connection: Establish a strong relationship with your clients. When they feel connected to you on a personal level, they’ll be more willing to help you out when you request a testimonial.

2. Choose the right time to ask

Timing is crucial when asking for testimonials. Ideally, you want to ask when your work is still fresh in the client’s mind, and they’re feeling satisfied with the results.

  • Upon project completion: One of the best times to ask for a testimonial is immediately after the project is completed. If the client is thrilled with your work, they’ll be more inclined to share positive feedback.
  • During follow-ups: If you have regular check-ins or follow-up meetings, this can also be a great time to ask. You can frame it as part of your client care process to improve your services.
  • After milestones: If you’re working on a long-term project, consider asking for feedback at key milestones. This allows you to collect several testimonials throughout the project’s lifecycle.

3. Make it easy for clients to provide testimonials

Clients are busy, and they might hesitate to provide a testimonial if it seems like a time-consuming task. To increase your chances of receiving feedback, simplify the process as much as possible.

  • Provide a template or questions: Offer a testimonial template or ask specific questions to guide their response. For example, you can ask, “What did you enjoy most about working with me?” or “How did my work help your business?”
  • Use a testimonial form: Create a simple online form using Google Forms, Typeform, or similar tools. This approach is quick and user-friendly, making it easy for clients to submit their feedback.
  • Offer to write a draft: For clients who are short on time, offer to write a draft based on your work together. They can then review and tweak it to reflect their perspective, which makes the process effortless for them.

4. Highlight the benefits of providing a testimonial

Help clients understand that their feedback is valuable not just for you, but for other potential clients as well.

  • Explain the impact: Let your clients know that their testimonial will help other businesses or individuals make informed decisions about hiring you. Emphasising the community aspect can motivate clients to contribute.
  • Offer a mutual benefit: Some clients might appreciate a shoutout or link back to their website in exchange for a testimonial. This creates a win-win situation where you both benefit from the added exposure.

5. Use multiple platforms for collection and display

Make it easy for clients to leave testimonials on various platforms, and be sure to display them prominently.

  • LinkedIn recommendations: LinkedIn is a great platform for collecting professional testimonials. Ask clients to write recommendations directly on your profile, which can enhance your credibility.
  • Google reviews and social media: Encourage clients to leave reviews on Google, Facebook, or other social media platforms. These testimonials can help improve your search visibility and online reputation.
  • Website display: Showcase your best testimonials on your website, ideally on your homepage, portfolio pages, or a dedicated testimonials page. Highlight quotes that specifically address the quality of your work and client experience.

6. Be grateful and show appreciation

Always thank your clients for taking the time to provide a testimonial. This gratitude reinforces the positive relationship you’ve built and can encourage future referrals.

  • Send a thank-you note: A simple thank-you email or handwritten note can go a long way in showing your appreciation.
  • Feature your clients: Consider spotlighting your clients on your social media or blog as a way to thank them for their testimonial. It’s a small gesture that acknowledges their contribution and supports their business as well.

7. Regularly update your testimonials

Don’t let your testimonials get stale. Regularly update them to reflect your latest projects, services, and skills.

  • Refresh testimonials annually: Reach out to repeat clients for updated testimonials, especially if you’ve worked on new projects together since their last feedback.
  • Rotate and highlight: Keep your website and social media fresh by rotating testimonials and highlighting recent ones. This shows potential clients that you’re active and continuously delivering great work.

Collecting testimonials as a creative professional is essential for building trust, showcasing your skills, and attracting new clients. By delivering exceptional service, asking at the right time, simplifying the process, and showing appreciation, you can gather valuable feedback that strengthens your brand. Remember, each testimonial is more than just praise. sign up for free GIF
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