Music distribution company Level Music is shutting down

Music artists who currently use Level Music to distribute their tracks will need to look for an alternative distributor. The platform launched in 2018 has announced it will be closing in 2025.

Another company joining TikTok Music and closing is Level Music. Launched in 2018, Level Music is an online music distribution platform. Allowing artists to have their music sent to Spotify, Apple Music, TikTok, and more.

The company emailed their users on the 26th September to inform them the company would cease to exist as of 2025. They’ve also gone on to say, they will no longer be accepting new submissions, or changes to current music uploads as of now.

This is to avoid further disruption for music artists, who will now need to find another music distributor. We’d recommend our partners over at RouteNote. They offer a free plan. Allowing music artists to distribute unlimited releases without any upfront cost.

They’ll help with the migration from Level Music to their platform and will ensure all metadata is correct so your music links within the stores it’s currently in. This will help avoid your music being offline for long periods of time, and will ensure a quick transfer.

Warner Music, the owners of Level Music, are abandoning the idea of DIY distribution. It’s a real shame for small musicians. Not everyone has a label or management to act on their behalf. Not every music artist should be expected to get one.

Large music companies don’t value DIY distribution

This isn’t the first company to remove DIY distribution from their priorities. Previously, in 2022, Universal Music Group closed their platform Spinnup. However, RouteNote are proud to support independent, small musicians. After all, it was created by musicians.

Despite Level Music not closing officially until 2025, they will start removing music from Monday 18th November 2024. Users can request their releases are removed prior to this, but as of this date, music will be automatically removed from stores.

It’s therefore advised you find a new distributor before this date to avoid your music being offline for long periods of time. With other distributors picking up the slack from Level Music, they’re likely to have a lot more work on their hands and therefore may need some extra time.

The sooner you can request a removal of your music through Level Music and send it to platforms like RouteNote, the sooner your music will switch across. If your music links correctly, it will match your play counts, and playlist placements, avoiding you missing out.

Clear out your Level Wallets

If users have money within their Level Wallets, they will need to access this and request a withdrawal before Friday 11th July 2025. After this time, any available funds will be wiped from your account. You will no longer be able to access it.

Our advice again would be, as soon as you have requested your removals from Level Music, head straight to a distributor and upload your tracks. Our partners at RouteNote have helpful upload guides. From here, request your money withdrawal from Level Music.

Allow your new distributor to do the rest and sit back and relax knowing your play counts will be linked. With another independent music distributor deciding to close, it could be a scary time for a lot of small artists. However, there are plenty of options out there. sign up for free GIF
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