YouTube are currently running a test, allowing content creators to remix licensed music. The test will allow 30-second clips to be reformed into new sounds.
YouTube are testing an AI feature which will allow creators to restyle music and turn it into 30 second clips better representing their channel style. The mood or genre can be altered on command. Allowing content creators to add a unique flare to their work.
The AI will pick up various elements within the song and alter them to create something new. You can play around with the feature and see what YouTube has to offer. Perhaps you’re looking to create some intro/outro music.
With the YouTube AI tool, you don’t need a background in music to be able to create great sounds. You can take, well-known, popular tracks and turn them into something unique. Allowing your content to improve without much extra work.
Not all content creators will be able to test the feature just yet. It will take some time, as at the moment only certain accounts are in the trial period. If it proves to be successful, it’s likely they’ll expand the music feature to more accounts.
Any creators within the trial group will be able to select an eligible song and then describe what they want the style to be like. This will then generate a 30-second soundtrack which can be used within short-form videos.