Category Analytics

Anything and everything surrounding analytics, statistics and data. All can potentially be boring, complicated and difficult to understand, but if you get your head about what they are and how to use them, they can be your best marketing tool!

Do small business owners need an accountant?

Do small business owners need an accountant

To accountant or not to accountant? There are pros and cons for both sides. If you’re completely new to your industry, perhaps you don’t want the added expense. However, on the flip side, perhaps you don’t know enough about filing…

Why have my social media followers stopped growing?

Why have my social media followers stopped growing

Social media algorithms are all extremely different – there is no clear way of cracking the code. However, if you’ve noticed your followers have started to plateau, there are a few things you can do. Followers will always increase and…

Different ways creators can use AI

Different ways creators can use AI

AI has taken over, there’s no denying it. For a while there were concerns that AI would take the role of content creators. However, that has been proven not to be the case. Instead, AI is quite a useful tool…

Effective upsell strategies to boost your revenue

Effective upsell strategies to boost your revenue

Every company wants to upsell. The idea is, you add more products or a better service on and the customer therefore spends more money. Brands use it every single day, but how do go about it if you never have…

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