Category Analytics

Anything and everything surrounding analytics, statistics and data. All can potentially be boring, complicated and difficult to understand, but if you get your head about what they are and how to use them, they can be your best marketing tool!

Facebook or Instagram – which is better for small brands?

Sometimes when you’re a small brand, it’s not possible to manage multiple platforms. If you can only pick one would you choose Instagram or Facebook? Giving one platform lots of attention could be better for your business than giving many…

Is Meta struggling?

With interest rate increases and consumer demand shrinking, Meta the owners of both Instagram and Facebook have had to make some serious cuts. These financial cuts have meant cutting 10,000 jobs. Meta who own both Facebook and Instagram are struggling…

Japan’s music streaming revenue grew in 2022 by 25%

In 2022 Japan’s music scene saw a growth of 25%. It ended up at $674m. Many say Japan are behind with music streaming, but perhaps they’re making a name for themselves. Japan have been playing catch up for a little…

Monthly social media reports – why they’re necessary

Are you a content creator, or do you work within marketing? Perhaps you’re running your own business, so you’re involved in all areas of the company. Either way, you rely on social media. However, if you’re not writing a report,…

What is shadowbanning, and how do you avoid it?

If you’ve noticed a huge dip in your social media engagement recently, you might be experiencing a shadowban. Believe it or not, they are real. All social platforms have their own version, we’ve broken down how they all work below.…

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