Category Branding

Everything surrounding branding; from how to make a brand name to constructing an aesthetic on a budget.

Earn more money by switching from Gumroad

Earn more money by switching from Gumroad

Gumroad allow creatives and small businesses to sell online products. However, there is a catch, these sales come with a price tag of a 10% cut. You’ll need six $10 sales to even reach $50 which is hard for many.…

How to effectively market your pet portraits small business

How to effectively market your pet portraits small business

If you’ve set up a small, independently run business making your own pet portraits, you might be wondering how to stand out against competition. We’d recommend making your own free marketing e-commerce link. If you’re a small business offering pet…

10 April Fools’ Day ideas for small businesses to run

10 April Fools' Day ideas for small businesses to run

For small businesses, it’s important to take part in trends, or celebrations. April Fools’ Day is the perfect time to share your humour and show the person behind the business. April Fools’ Day presents an exciting opportunity for small businesses…

Understanding public liability insurance for freelancers

Public liability insurance is an important thing for any freelancer to be aware about. Without it, if something goes wrong, you could be held responsible. If you’re a freelancer, you’re probably used to wearing many hats – from doing the…

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