Category Content marketing

How content creators can use the breadth of tools to market their content and further their brand or business.

Top platforms independent musicians can’t ignore

Are you an independent musician? If so, you probably know how frustrating it can be. Various company’s recommending them over competitors, who do you choose? Do you cover all music platforms? Starting out alone as can be intimidating, but it…

What is shadowbanning, and how do you avoid it?

If you’ve noticed a huge dip in your social media engagement recently, you might be experiencing a shadowban. Believe it or not, they are real. All social platforms have their own version, we’ve broken down how they all work below.…

Should you watermark your images? Pros and cons

It’s 2023, many creatives have stopped adding watermarks to their work – but why? Watermarks act as a good way to protect your work against theft. However, it doesn’t stop everyone. There are ways to easily remove watermarks now, so…

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