Category Discussions

A source of dialogues discussing various topics, arguments and opinions in the worlds of marketing and content creation.

PUSH 101: What should a brand name include?

When it comes to creating your brand name, it can be tricky knowing where to start. It’s not something you want to have to change at a later point, so it’s important you get it right from the beginning. Too…

YouTube adverts are beating the entire global record business

Despite music companies Sony Music, Warner Music and Universal Music doing exceptionally well for themselves this year, YouTube has done ever better. Beating all other global record businesses and taking centre stage. New figures show just how well YouTube ads…

Grow your Instagram account through collaborations

Accounts that collab together, grow together. Or at least that’s how we like to think of it. It benefits all parties though when a collaboration takes place. Getting involved with other accounts means you’re sharing followers. This helps both accounts…

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