Category Discussions

A source of dialogues discussing various topics, arguments and opinions in the worlds of marketing and content creation.

5 careers in a creative industry

5 careers in a creative industry

If you’re someone who isn’t interested in the normal 9-5 grind, and is looking for something a little more creative, then we’re here to help. There are creative careers in various industries. You just need to find the right one…

3 creative industries that could benefit from a Bio Link

3 creative industries that could benefit from a Bio Link

Bio Links are useful tools found on social media accounts. They serve as a way of combining all relevant URLs into one place, directing customers and followers to your content. We believe everyone could benefit from the use of a…

ChatGPT hasn’t had an update since 2022

For those who rely on ChatGPT to write essays, or provide them with answers to their ever-burning questions, please ensure you fact-check everything. The popular AI tool hasn’t had an update in almost two years. Many people from all industries…

Music sub-genres on the rise

Music sub-genres on the rise

Typically, when most people think about music, their mind goes straight to the well-known genres. However, over the years, many sub-genres have been on the rise, becoming more and more popular. But, which should be on your radar? We’ve recently…

A singer’s guide to mastering an instrument

A singer's guide to mastering an instrument

While it’s not required to play an instrument, and many singers don’t, it can make you stand out from your competition. Adding an extra layer to your talents and allowing all music created to be yours. Embarking on the journey…

The ultimate gig equipment checklist

The ultimate gig equipment checklist

When you’re an independent musician, all the gig planning falls on you. To make the process slightly easier we have put together a checklist so you have one less thing to think about. If there’s anything you think we’ve missed,…

Top 3 headphone choices for independent musicians

Top 3 headphone choices for independent musicians

Being an independent musician can be costly. Especially in the very beginning. That’s why you don’t want to be spending out on equipment that won’t last, or just isn’t worth it. We’ve put together a list of the top 3…

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