Category Fun

Does exactly what it says on the tin.

The role of a voice actor and how to become one

The role of a voice actor and how to become one

Voice actors bring characters to life. They give a voice to the characters on the screens we know and love. But, their job requires a lot of hard work. Voice acting is a captivating art form that breathes life into…

What is the role of a food stylist within photography?

What is the role of a food stylist within photography

Those fast food adverts you see? Yep, they’re not real. That’s why the burgers always look so much better in the ad than real life. The photographers use food stylists to help stage the picture. Have you ever flipped through…

Preserving memories – the vital role of photo restoration

Preserving memories - the vital role of photo restoration

Keep those memories alive, and remember previous loved ones. Pass photographs down through generations without risking damage, by restoring them to their former glory. In the digital age, where memories are often stored on smartphones and social media platforms, it’s…

Guide to flower pressing – preserving nature’s beauty

Guide to flower pressing - preserving nature's beauty

For someone who wants to keep the beauty of their floral decor alive forever, you might consider pressing your flowers. This will preserve them for a lifetime. Flower pressing is a delightful and timeless art form that allows you to…

10 April Fools’ Day ideas for small businesses to run

10 April Fools' Day ideas for small businesses to run

For small businesses, it’s important to take part in trends, or celebrations. April Fools’ Day is the perfect time to share your humour and show the person behind the business. April Fools’ Day presents an exciting opportunity for small businesses…

What exactly is pop music?

Popular music, or pop music for short, is exactly what it suggests – music that is popular. It’s the music we hear in the charts often. It has an upbeat, melody and a catchy tune. Pop music – it’s everywhere.…

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