Category Guides

Guides you can use to learn, inform and inspire your marketing and promotional plans.

What does “not for profit” mean?

What does not for profit mean

Not for profit can be confused with many other things. Essentially, it means, they won’t be gaining any financial profit from the service or product being marketed. The money is reinvested into the business. You’ve probably heard the term “not…

Why do people give up before going freelance?

Why do people give up before going freelance

When it comes to going freelance, people can allow the fear to takeover. It can be overwhelming to branch out and go solo. After all, with freelance, there are no guarantees, and you aren’t able to plan for the future…

How to use quiet mode on Instagram

How to use quiet mode on Instagram

Quiet mode allows you to zone out of the chaos that social media often can be and pause any notifications for a while. It’s easy enough to turn on or off, but not everyone seems to know about it. Instagram…

What is two-factor authentication (2FA)?

What is two-factor authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security process a lot of apps, and websites now have. They protect you and help the business help you, should, you get locked out of your account. Two-Factor Authentication, commonly known as 2FA, is a…

How to choose a cricut niche – a beginner’s guide

How to choose a cricut niche - a beginner's guide

Having a Cricut machine opens a world of possibilities. You can make anything from stickers, to vinyl signs. However, where do you begin? If you’re passionate about crafting and own a Cricut machine, you might be considering turning your hobby…

Tips for planning memorable events – a simple guide

Tips for planning memorable events - a simple guide

Planning an event is hard work, but it is so rewarding once it all comes together. However, how do you begin to pull off something so huge? Planning an event can seem overwhelming, but with the right approach, you can…

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