Category Guides

Guides you can use to learn, inform and inspire your marketing and promotional plans.

A quick guide to the Metaverse for beginners

The word Metaverse if flying around a lot lately. With Facebook changing their name to Meta, more and more companies will be heading into the world of the Metaverse. What does that mean though? Is it a physical place? How…

PUSH 101: How to add subtitles to your YouTube videos

I’m sure you’ve seen YouTube’s subtitles options across most videos on the platform. They’re great to be able to follow along with the video itself, whether you need the subtitles or simply want to be able to pause and take…

The 4 main areas within the music industry

What do you think of when you hear the words music industry? Do you think of yourself as a musician? Artists who you love? Or, do you think of the different areas that the music industry is broken down into?…

First 1000 – a secret all beginner brands need to know about

Have you ever wondered how companies start up and suddenly have thousands of followers? We’re constantly telling you to grow organically and this is really important. However, it seems suspicious that some brands seem to gain users and followers almost…

Easy methods to promote your YouTube channel

Are you struggling to grow your YouTube channel? It can be tricky. You want to grow it organically to avoid any claims or complaints. However, it can be hard knowing where to promote your account and how to grow subscribers.…

Music making habits you need to have

If you’re serious about making music, but you get distracted or can’t find the time, then you need to make some changes. It won’t happen overnight, and they don’t need to be dramatic lifestyle changes. However, take these tips on…

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