Category Music news

Music news for artists and labels to keep up to date.

Gemini the AI tool plans to add YouTube Music shortcuts

Gemini the AI tool plans to add YouTube Music shortcuts

Gemini is an AI tool developed by Google. The idea behind it is to increase productivity across Google services. Now, they’re working on YouTube Music extensions and some useful shortcuts. Gemini is an artificial intelligence (AI) developed by Google that…

Maestro – a new Amazon Music AI playlist generator to rival Spotify

Maestro - a new Amazon Music AI playlist generator to rival Spotify

That’s right, Spotify started something and Amazon Music followed. Amazon Music have now added an AI playlist generator. Allowing their users to create playlists with just commands and prompts. Amazon Music recently introduced Maestro, an AI-powered playlist generator similar to…

Udio – a new music creation app

Udio - a new music creation app

A brand-new music creation app called Udio has hit the scene. This app will allow anyone to be a creator. Encouraging beginners and experienced musicians to have a go creating some sounds. Have you noticed how many music-making apps are…

Spotify’s new policies aim to boost earnings for artists

Spotify's new policies aim to boost earnings for artists

Spotify has announced changes to its policy. These updates will help artists of all levels, which is pleasing to hear as many of our users are independent artists. Spotify, the big music streaming company, recently announced some changes to its…

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