Category Music news

Music news for artists and labels to keep up to date.

Origins and evolution – tracing the birth of music festivals

Origins and evolution - tracing the birth of music festivals

Music festivals are a creative outlet that everyone can enjoy. They’ve developed over time, and now, there are music festivals for every genre imaginable. In today’s world, music festivals are an unforgettable experience. From the huge grounds of Coachella to…

Spotify’s new addition – desktop miniplayer

Spotify's new addition - desktop miniplayer

A long awaited feature has finally been added. Spotify desktop miniplayer allows listeners to see what they’re listening to, and skip, without having to switch from their current screen. Great news for Spotify users! The popular music streaming service has…

Behind the scenes – how music distribution platforms work

Behind the scenes - how music distribution platforms work

Music artists can’t distribute their tracks globally without using a distributor. These are the people who get your music on the well known streaming platforms. But, how does the process work? In today’s digital age, the landscape of music distribution…

Splice reveals new mobile app which is powered by AI

Splice reveals new mobile app which is powered by AI

A brand-new mobile app from Splice. The app will allow you to create music easily while on the go. This is after securing $55 million from funding. Splice, a key player in DIY music creation, has made waves since its…

Spotify music videos are now in beta

Spotify have just announced a new addition to their music platform. It will bring excitement to music artists who enjoy sharing their music in video form. Exciting news for music lovers and Spotify enthusiasts alike! Today, Spotify unveiled its latest…

Spotify’s future predictions feature for music app users

Spotify's future predictions feature for music app users

Spotify added a new little feature to keep their app exciting and fun. They introduced a fortune-teller feature, but they’ve been pretty quiet about it. So, Spotify are known for their fun quirks and additions to their app. They often…

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