Category In the loop

Industry news, launches and updates – everything to keep you in the loop.

Iconic album reviews – what makes them timeless?

Iconic album reviews - what makes them timeless

Some albums will never grow old. They’ll be passed through generations and will continue to be remembered. Why is this? Is it the artists, or the tracks? These are the questions we’ll visit. Some albums stand the test of time,…

Search YouTube Music by humming the track

Search YouTube Music by humming the track

If you’re an Android user, you’ll now be able to find that song you’ve been looking for on YouTube Music. However, you won’t need to know the lyrics. Instead, you can simply hum the tune. YouTube Music are rolling out…

Spotify’s new Spanish-speaking DJ is the work of AI

Spotify's new Spanish-speaking DJ is the work of AI

Spotify are currently trialling a product which sees a Spanish-speaking DJ. This is all the work of AI. With Spanish being the second most spoken language worldwide, it’s about time more tools are added. Spotify added its AI DJ feature…

WWDC Summer 2024 playlist via Apple Music

WWDC Summer 2024 playlist via Apple Music

Apple’s annual developer conference is on its way. Typically, at these conferences, all eyes are on the latest tech and what we can expect to see from the future. However, they have tied in their music platform this time. As…

Understanding affiliate links – a beginner’s guide

Understanding affiliate links - a beginner's guide

An affiliate link is a way of an individual or business earning money through promoting a service or product. They’re provided a URL with a unique code. In today’s digital age, affiliate marketing has become a popular way for individuals…

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