Category People

Case studies and commentaries of independent musicians, content creators and brands that use PUSH to fulfil their DIY marketing needs.

Canon vs Nikon – where did the rivalry first start?

Typically, you’re either team Nikon or team Canon. Rarely, do people interchange the two. But, why? Why is this partnership one that’s unimaginable, yet neither side have the same hatred for Sony? In the world of photography, there are two…

Spotify’s future predictions feature for music app users

Spotify's future predictions feature for music app users

Spotify added a new little feature to keep their app exciting and fun. They introduced a fortune-teller feature, but they’ve been pretty quiet about it. So, Spotify are known for their fun quirks and additions to their app. They often…

What did marketing look like 20 years ago?

What did marketing look like 20 years ago

Marketing has come a long way over the years. What started as shouting about your products in a public place in person, has turned to shouting about it in a public place online. Marketing has undergone significant transformations over the…

What is a photo auditor and what do they do?

A photo auditor can tell a real from a fake. They can price works of art to ensure they’re going for their value, and they work closely with art galleries. Have you ever wondered who ensures that the images you…

Apple Podcasts introduce automatic transcripts

Apple Podcasts introduce automatic transcripts

Whether you’re an Apple user who is hard of hearing, or wants to follow along as you listen, transcripts are a very useful tool. Now, Apple Podcast users can access them automatically. Exciting news for podcast lovers! Apple has just…

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