
Articles that span the breadth of what we offer at and just how to use all of our tools to the best of your capabilities and applications. becomes part of RouteNote with new integration becomes part of RouteNote with new integration

Our partners over at RouteNote have just made it even easier for musicians to access our free marketing services. You can now create a Fan Link through your Discography. Well… click a button and it will be made for you!…

How to promote your book launch – a comprehensive guide

How to promote your book launch - a comprehensive guide

Promoting your latest book is exciting. It’s finally here. You can share your content with the world. However, how do you reach the right audiences? Launching a book is an exciting milestone for any author. But, it’s essential to ensure…

How to make a quick Pre-save to promote your music

How to make a quick Pre-save to promote your music

A Pre-save is a digital housing system. It allows your fans to save your music before it reaches stores. On release day, your music will then automatically be placed into their library. Having your fans save your music ahead of…

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