Category Facebook

Articles, tips, guides and tricks centred around Facebook.

How to stay inspired when you’re feeling stuck

How to stay inspired when you’re feeling stuck

Finding inspiration is sometimes harder than it previously may have been. The more you create, the more you get put off making more because it becomes hard. However, the key is to not give up, just allow yourself some time.…

Quick and easy fanlink creator which won’t charge

Quick and easy fanlink creator which won't charge

If you’re a music artist set to release a new track, you’ll need to start marketing it early. Otherwise, you’ll miss out on the initial hype and all marketing from there will be pointless. All music artists want to share…

What is an ASMR artist?

What is an ASMR artist

ASMR is a type of sound created that sends positive feelings to a listener. It could be the sound of someone humming or tapping along in a rhythm. People get enjoyment out of different types of ASMR. An ASMR artist…

Why seasons matter for content creators

Why seasons matter for content creators

With new seasons comes change. It’s important content creators are aware of this and are prepared, so their work doesn’t get left behind. Seasons aren’t just about changing weather; they play a crucial role in the world of content creation.…

What is paid advertising and how does it work?

What is paid advertising and how does it work

Paid advertising is a brilliant way of businesses marketing their products or brand. They pay to display adverts for their products or services on websites, social media and more. What is paid advertising? Paid advertising is when businesses or individuals…

Top 10 careers you can pursue in the media industry

Top 10 careers you can pursue in the media industry

Being in the media industry is extremely exciting because there are so many avenues you can go down, and no two jobs are the same. Discover your passion and pursue something in that direction. The media industry is broad and…

Creative trends of the 2000s

Creative trends of the 2000s

Trends have developed massively throughout the decades. The technology we have now enables us to create content we would have never dreamed of. The 2000s, or the “noughties,” were an exciting time for creativity, with the rise of new technologies,…

Simple photo projects to build your portfolio

Simple photo projects to build your portfolio

Your portfolio speaks for you. It’s more important than your resume. Showing your old work rather than new content could be the reason you don’t get the job. Keep updating your portfolio to secure that gig. Building a strong photography…

Why have my social media followers stopped growing?

Why have my social media followers stopped growing

Social media algorithms are all extremely different – there is no clear way of cracking the code. However, if you’ve noticed your followers have started to plateau, there are a few things you can do. Followers will always increase and…

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