Category Deezer

Everything Deezer related.

UK royalty collectors, MCPS report strengths in 2023 report

UK royalty collectors, MCPS report strengths in 2023 report

MCPS collect royalties for composers, songwriters, artists and publishers. They’ve reported that in 2023 the total distributions grew, which leads to profits. MCPS, the UK society that collects royalties for publishers and songwriters, has reported strong results for 2023. The…

How to make a quick Pre-save to promote your music

How to make a quick Pre-save to promote your music

A Pre-save is a digital housing system. It allows your fans to save your music before it reaches stores. On release day, your music will then automatically be placed into their library. Having your fans save your music ahead of…

A guide to making eye-catching visuals for your music

A guide to making eye-catching visuals for your music

Knowing where to begin when it comes to creating eye-catching content can be a bit tricky. You’ve got the great sounds, but how do you encourage people to start listening? Through your visual imagery, of course. In today’s digital age,…

Earn more money by switching from Gumroad

Earn more money by switching from Gumroad

Gumroad allow creatives and small businesses to sell online products. However, there is a catch, these sales come with a price tag of a 10% cut. You’ll need six $10 sales to even reach $50 which is hard for many.…

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