Category Streaming stores

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Everything and anything associated with digital streaming stores; including the big boys, Spotify, Apple Music & Deezer.

How to grow your YouTube subscribers organically

You can build your YouTube up from scratch without paying a penny. This is key, as many people will try to encourage you to buy your subscribers. It doesn’t work. Your subscribers need to be built organically. As your channel… Halloween Campaign Round-up

Following on from our previous round-up, we’ve decided to make this one all about Spooky Season. If you follow our social media accounts, mainly Twitter, you’ll have seen multiple tweets referring to the best time of year. However, if you’re…

The gender pay gap in the UK music industry

It’s a legal requirement for companies with over 250 employees to publish their annual gender pay statistics. This is required within the UK, different countries will have their own rules on this type of information. However, from these records, we…

Spotify streams – what counts as a full stream?

As an artist you might look at your streams and wonder where your revenue is. It’s been an ongoing argument for quite some time that artists aren’t paid fairly by streaming stores. Whatever your opinion on this, it’s important to…

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