Category Tips

A collection of tips, tricks and hacks that can boost your marketing game and push your creations further.

How to boost your TikTok following with sponsorships

TikTok is arguably one of the best apps to be discovered on right now. This is because people share TikTok videos without a second thought. Meaning, if someone likes your video, it could end up being passed far and wide.…

How to grow your YouTube subscribers organically

You can build your YouTube up from scratch without paying a penny. This is key, as many people will try to encourage you to buy your subscribers. It doesn’t work. Your subscribers need to be built organically. As your channel…

TikTok has reached 1 billion users

It’s no secret how popular TikTok is, it’s quite literally taken over the internet. Everyone’s using the video sharing app to create content. With the latest news of their user number, you’d be silly not to get your music up…

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