Tag beginner musicians

10 blog ideas for beginner musicians

10 blog ideas for beginner musicians

Starting a blog is an exciting thing. Especially when you have something you love and want to share it with others within your niche. Finding enough ideas to keep your blog moving steadily can be a mission. After all, you…

8 tips to writing your first song

Embarking on your journey to write your first song? Exciting times lie ahead! Before you dive into the world of songwriting, here are a few friendly tips to help you along the way. 1. Find your inspirationEvery great song starts…

The crucial role of finding the right music teacher

The crucial role of finding the right music teacher

Finding the right music teacher could make or break you as a musician. They have the ability to build you up, or tear you down. Make sure it’s the first option. Music has the incredible power to uplift our spirits,…

How to build your music career from scratch

Starting out is difficult. How do you create a fanbase when you’re at the beginning of your music career? Well, keep reading to find out. Whether you’re at the very beginning stages of your career, or have been performing for…

A beginner’s guide to music terminology

You might love to sing, or play an instrument, but that doesn’t mean you’re necessarily clued-up on music terms. They can be hard to get your head around, which is why we’ve created a beginner’s guide. Embarking on a musical…

A singer’s guide to mastering an instrument

A singer's guide to mastering an instrument

While it’s not required to play an instrument, and many singers don’t, it can make you stand out from your competition. Adding an extra layer to your talents and allowing all music created to be yours. Embarking on the journey…

3 tools every beginner music artist needs

If you can sing, you might want to start recording and producing your own music. Being an independent musician is a challenge, but very rewarding. Make sure you have the items listed below. Being an independent music artist isn’t easy,…

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