Tag branding

First 1000 – a secret all beginner brands need to know about

Have you ever wondered how companies start up and suddenly have thousands of followers? We’re constantly telling you to grow organically and this is really important. However, it seems suspicious that some brands seem to gain users and followers almost…

PUSH.fm – the best alternative to Linktree

If you’re looking for a Smart Link provider, you might think of Linktree before anything else. This is because they have an established name behind them. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the best option for you. Smart Links can…

5 benefits to collaborating with other brands

Collaborating with brands will benefit you and your content. You’ll be able to learn from each other and gain experience. While also growing a larger following. Both parties should be getting the same benefits out of the collaboration. If not,…

Simple and easy ways for brands to be authentic online

If you’re a brand, your image is everything. Especially when you’re first starting out online, the things you do and the way you present yourself will make all the difference. Representing yourself in the wrong way can damage your company’s…

PUSH 101: What should a brand name include?

When it comes to creating your brand name, it can be tricky knowing where to start. It’s not something you want to have to change at a later point, so it’s important you get it right from the beginning. Too…

5 free websites to easily create a SoundCloud banner

Your SoundCloud banner needs to be eye catching. It’s a statement and one of the first things people will see when visiting your page. Ensure it fits with your brand identity. There are many websites which allow you to create…

How to boost your TikTok following with sponsorships

TikTok is arguably one of the best apps to be discovered on right now. This is because people share TikTok videos without a second thought. Meaning, if someone likes your video, it could end up being passed far and wide.…

John Lewis – department store vs real person

When it comes to your brand name, it’s important to look into everything before deciding on one. John Lewis have found this out the hard way by not being able to claim the Twitter account under their name. Why? Well,…

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