Tag customers

How to reach potential customers – a beginner’s guide

How to reach potential customers - a beginner's guide

It can be difficult for small or large businesses to reach their desired audience. But, if you plan ahead and are prepared, you can secure new audiences and reach far and wide. Reaching potential customers is essential for the success…

How to easily find your target audience

How to easily find your target audience

Finding your target audience is like searching for your biggest fans—the people who are most likely to love and support what you have to offer. But how do you find them? Let’s break it down into simple steps. Step 1:…

7 types of Reward Links that work

Reward Links offer benefits to you as the creator, and your audience. You get to set tasks to help grow your name. Your audience get access to a digital reward for completing these tasks. There are so many ways you…

Marketing hacks – using a consumer journey map

Whether you’re a small fashion brand, an event’s planner, or a business owner of any kind, this is for you. If you need marketing within any aspect of your work, listen up. Journey maps help you plan from the beginning,…

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