Tag daw

Music production 101 – essential tools and techniques

Music production 101 - essential tools and techniques

Producing music is harder than many think. It’s much more than recording and pressing release. There’s a lot involves, including a lot of technical tools. Music production is the art of creating and arranging music using various tools and techniques.…

What is a DAW?

What is a DAW

A DAW is a Digital Audio Workstation. This is software which is used for recording, editing and producing audio files. It’s a platform used by musicians, producers and music engineers to create, mix and master. A Digital Audio Workstation, is…

Music production for beginners – what equipment do I need?

Anyone can get into music production, you don’t need to have specific qualifications, though, they can help. You’ll find so many products aimed towards producers, but what are the basic tools? What are the must-haves to get started? If you’re…

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