Tag discussions

Why does our imagination seem to diminish over time?

Why does our imagination seem to diminish over time

As we get older, our imagination seems to dwindle. We lose our desire to escape and create magical worlds of our own. Normally, it comes down to life becoming busier and society not favouring adults with wild imaginations. From childhood…

Why a creative role might be better than a 9-5 job

The 9–5 suits many, but not everyone. Some are looking for more flexibility and less restriction from their work. Especially those within a creative realm. Picture this: Instead of the daily grind of a 9-5 job, imagine yourself in a…

Music sub-genres on the rise

Music sub-genres on the rise

Typically, when most people think about music, their mind goes straight to the well-known genres. However, over the years, many sub-genres have been on the rise, becoming more and more popular. But, which should be on your radar? We’ve recently…

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