Tag freelance writer

A guide to planning your book – from concept to completion

A guide to planning your book - from concept to completion

Many people often consider writing a book, but aren’t sure exactly what the process is. From first ideas to having it published for everyone to read. Writing a book is a rewarding endeavour that requires careful planning and organisation. Whether…

Why you must choose a freelance writing niche

Why you must choose a freelance writing niche

Don’t just write about anything you feel like. While this might sound like a good idea; appealing to the majority… it’s actually more harmful because how can anyone know what to expect from you? How will Google know where to…

5 careers in a creative industry

5 careers in a creative industry

If you’re someone who isn’t interested in the normal 9-5 grind, and is looking for something a little more creative, then we’re here to help. There are creative careers in various industries. You just need to find the right one…

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