Tag independent branding

Coolors – free colour palette generator for creators

Brands, businesses, independent creatives, all have one huge goal in common. Their branding. Without strong branding, how will we know who you are or what you stand for? Your colour choices run deeper than picking your favourite colour and using…

First 1000 – a secret all beginner brands need to know about

Have you ever wondered how companies start up and suddenly have thousands of followers? We’re constantly telling you to grow organically and this is really important. However, it seems suspicious that some brands seem to gain users and followers almost…

Simple and easy ways for brands to be authentic online

If you’re a brand, your image is everything. Especially when you’re first starting out online, the things you do and the way you present yourself will make all the difference. Representing yourself in the wrong way can damage your company’s…

5 ways independent musicians are wasting their time

As an independent artist, time is money. You’ve got so much to pile onto your plate, it’s important you don’t waste time on things that don’t really need it. Focus on the things that are necessities. Everything else can wait.…

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