Tag labels

LinkedIn hashtags – a guide to using them

Hashtags have helped gain attention amongst social platforms for years. Constantly changing are opinions on how to use them and when. But, since they’ve been about, we’ve never strayed away completely. LinkedIn, have even got involved. Now, you can capture…

Is TikTok becoming a record company?

People within the music industry often mock the idea of TikTok being a record label, but it does seem to be heading that way. They’ve introduced their own distribution service, allowing artists to upload to TikTok, RESSO, Spotify, Apple Music,…

The 4 main areas within the music industry

What do you think of when you hear the words music industry? Do you think of yourself as a musician? Artists who you love? Or, do you think of the different areas that the music industry is broken down into?…

5 ways independent musicians are wasting their time

As an independent artist, time is money. You’ve got so much to pile onto your plate, it’s important you don’t waste time on things that don’t really need it. Focus on the things that are necessities. Everything else can wait.…

How do I get an Official Artist Channel on YouTube?

Known as an OAC for short, it gets you a fancy little music symbol next to your artist name on YouTube. Not only do you look flashy, but you also have more customisation features. It’s the ultimate YouTube collab. Your…

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