Tag marketing for beginners

Top websites for marketing inspiration

Take inspiration from people who have already been there and done it. Stop stressing yourself over what’s coming next and how to discover new ideas. Instead, use the tools already in place to help figure out what moves you need…

Minta – an online sales marketing platform

If you’re in the business of selling products online, you might want to read this. Minta is a website that creates automated videos and photos for marketing purposes. Whatever product you’re selling, you can create content ready for social media…

Jitter, one of the best kept marketing secrets

Don’t have money to spend on different software? No worries, we’ve got you covered. You can still create all the fun, exciting looking content for your social media accounts. However, this comes without the hefty price tag and the need…

PUSH 101: Where can I use PUSH’s marketing tools?

There are so many different options when it comes to PUSH services. It might look like it’s all aimed at a particular style of artist but trust us, anyone can use PUSH. You don’t need to be creating music to…

5 benefits to collaborating with other brands and artists

As an independent artist or a small brand, you might be protective over what you’ve created. This is understandable because unfortunately sometimes, people can take advantage of smaller brands. However, if done properly, the benefits of collaborating with another brand…

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