Tag music industry

Linktree’s new updates for musicians

Linktree have recently announced some new updates that will help out musicians. It seems they have tailored a link choice to artists. Here at PUSH.fm our first Smart Link option was heavily music based, and we have since developed further…

5 ways you can support independent artists

Being an independent artist is tricky. You have all the responsibilities fall on your shoulders. Everything comes back to you as you’re in charge of writing, recording, distributing, promotion, marketing and all the other steps that go into music making.…

Top ways to discover new music

Are you getting a little bored with listening to the same tracks over and over? Perhaps you struggle to find new artists that you love. Maybe you just don’t know where to start. Let’s face it, streaming stores have so…

Marketing your music as a producer – dos and don’ts

Marketing music as a producer comes with its challenges. That’s why it’s important to take tips wherever you can. We’ve come across a really useful YouTube video that could provide you with some really useful advice. One of the first…

PUSH 101: Is LinkedIn important for musicians?

I presume you’ve seen everyone raving about LinkedIn and how it’s the best place to find work or connect with people. Is that only for people seeking a 9-5 job, or can anyone utilise LinkedIn and the services it offers?…

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