Tag music royalties

UK royalty collectors, MCPS report strengths in 2023 report

UK royalty collectors, MCPS report strengths in 2023 report

MCPS collect royalties for composers, songwriters, artists and publishers. They’ve reported that in 2023 the total distributions grew, which leads to profits. MCPS, the UK society that collects royalties for publishers and songwriters, has reported strong results for 2023. The…

US music publishing grew by nearly $1,000M in 2022

In 2022 alone, the US recorded music industry grew by $500M however, the music publishing industry almost doubled that. The US is in fact the world’s largest music market. 2022 saw a huge increase in music publishing. In fact, the…

Top 5 royalty free music websites

If you’re wanting to create video footage for your social media accounts, or you need something to add to your YouTube content, why don’t you take a look at a royalty free music site? Otherwise, you run the risk of…

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