Tag photographer

Canon vs Nikon – where did the rivalry first start?

Typically, you’re either team Nikon or team Canon. Rarely, do people interchange the two. But, why? Why is this partnership one that’s unimaginable, yet neither side have the same hatred for Sony? In the world of photography, there are two…

What is a photo auditor and what do they do?

A photo auditor can tell a real from a fake. They can price works of art to ensure they’re going for their value, and they work closely with art galleries. Have you ever wondered who ensures that the images you…

Tried and tested ways of securing photography clients

It can be difficult to find clients when there are so many other photographers out there also looking. However, we’ve put together some tips to hopefully make the process easier. 1. Build an online presence Create a stunning portfolio showcasing…

Has photography become too easy?

Has photography become too easy

With the growth of the digital age, film photography has almost died out. While you’ll see some dabble with it, not many do, simply because it’s time-consuming and expensive. But, have digital cameras therefore made photographers lazy? Like all technology,…

Should you watermark your images? Pros and cons

It’s 2023, many creatives have stopped adding watermarks to their work – but why? Watermarks act as a good way to protect your work against theft. However, it doesn’t stop everyone. There are ways to easily remove watermarks now, so…

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