Tag photography for beginners

Preserving memories – the vital role of photo restoration

Preserving memories - the vital role of photo restoration

Keep those memories alive, and remember previous loved ones. Pass photographs down through generations without risking damage, by restoring them to their former glory. In the digital age, where memories are often stored on smartphones and social media platforms, it’s…

Why insurance is essential for freelance photographers

You can’t go out shooting for clients without insurance. For both yourself, and your equipment. If something happens to you, and you can’t work, how will you earn money? What if someone else is injured on your watch? Are you…

Tried and tested ways of securing photography clients

It can be difficult to find clients when there are so many other photographers out there also looking. However, we’ve put together some tips to hopefully make the process easier. 1. Build an online presence Create a stunning portfolio showcasing…

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