Tag popular songs

Iconic album reviews – what makes them timeless?

Iconic album reviews - what makes them timeless

Some albums will never grow old. They’ll be passed through generations and will continue to be remembered. Why is this? Is it the artists, or the tracks? These are the questions we’ll visit. Some albums stand the test of time,…

What exactly is pop music?

Popular music, or pop music for short, is exactly what it suggests – music that is popular. It’s the music we hear in the charts often. It has an upbeat, melody and a catchy tune. Pop music – it’s everywhere.…

Most and least popular music genres in 2022

While certain genres such as EDM weren’t around way back, simply due to the technology they require. Others that once seemed to be dying out, have since made a comeback. Time doesn’t mean anything in relation to music. It’s all…

Spotify’s most popular content of 2021

Sit back, grab a cuppa and prepare yourself for what’s about to come… Can you guess who made it to the top spot? Or, do you have no idea? We have the inside scoop on all things Spotify, so we…

10 of the top-rated Christmas songs

Look, for all of you Scrooge’s out there, it’s December 1st, so we’re officially allowed to talk about all things Christmas! The holidays are here, so we want to spread the joy by listing the best festive songs as chosen…

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