Tag publisher

Clickbait – what it is and how to spot it

Clickbait - what it is and how to spot it

If something seems too good to be true, often it is. Many creators use clickbait, especially when their art form is video content. It helps the video sell. In today’s digital age, you’ve probably come across sensational headlines or eye-catching…

A beginner’s guide to finding a book publisher

If you’re looking to publish a book you’ve worked so hard on, you’ll want to ensure it goes to the right publisher. Otherwise, you run the risk of it not performing well. So, you’ve poured your heart and soul into…

US music publishing grew by nearly $1,000M in 2022

In 2022 alone, the US recorded music industry grew by $500M however, the music publishing industry almost doubled that. The US is in fact the world’s largest music market. 2022 saw a huge increase in music publishing. In fact, the…

What is the public domain? Are there grey areas within it?

This year (2022) Winnie-the-Pooh entered the public domain. This means people can now use his name, the story originally written by A. A. Milne and his original illustrations as they please. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean you can add Pooh…

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