Tag search optimisation

Beginner’s guide to backlinks – understanding the basics

Beginner's guide to backlinks - understanding the basics

Backlinks help build a great relationship between you and other companies. Having your website featured allows Google, as well as readers know your company is trustworthy. Here’s what you need to know. Backlinks are a crucial component of search engine…

An in-depth guide to keywords

An in-depth guide to keywords

Keywords refer to direct words and phrases people choose to focus on when writing. These words will have been thought through and researched at great lengths to ensure they fit in with the SEO. In the realm of digital marketing…

A Guide to (SEO) Search Engine Optimisation

A Guide to (SEO) Search Engine Optimisation

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It’s what helps your blog, or website stand out online. It should be a huge focus of yours if you want your content to rank on search engines like Google. In the ever-expanding digital…

How to use AnswerThePublic for your business

Use AnswerThePublic for content ideas and new ways to reach your audience. By inputting your keyword, you’ll see a list of questions commonly asked on search engines. Allowing you to answer questions your competition aren’t. Keeping it simple, AnswerThePublic is…

PUSH 101: Why you need a mobile friendly website

It’s 2022, everyone uses their phones for everything. In fact, more and more people don’t have access to a computer or laptop. They solely rely on their mobile phones. Having a website that is optimised for mobile users is key.…

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