Tag small artists

8 tips to writing your first song

Embarking on your journey to write your first song? Exciting times lie ahead! Before you dive into the world of songwriting, here are a few friendly tips to help you along the way. 1. Find your inspirationEvery great song starts…

Create a Live Stream link for free through PUSH.fm

If you’re someone who streams, you want people to come and watch. How else are you going to earn money if people aren’t coming to watch your content? While you’re promoting your streaming link, you might also want to promote…

12 important rules for beginner musicians

Starting out can be tricky. Sometimes you find yourself wanting to quit before you’ve even got started because it can seem too difficult. However, stick with it and take the advice offered. Talk to other musicians and see how they…

Top ways to discover new music

Are you getting a little bored with listening to the same tracks over and over? Perhaps you struggle to find new artists that you love. Maybe you just don’t know where to start. Let’s face it, streaming stores have so…

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