Tag smart links

How to create a free Event Link through PUSH.fm

If you have an event coming up, you likely have a lot of information to collect. You might need to let everyone know where they can buy tickets, what’s happening at the even and even some social media links. Creating…

Is Linktree free?

Linktree is a popular Smart Link creation tool. They offer multiple pricing tiers depending on what you require. However, are they free? We’re going to delve deeper into Linktree and what they have to offer to their potential users. What…

PUSH 101: What is a release link?

So, you’re creating a Smart Link through PUSH.fm, but we keep asking you for your release links? What are they? Where do you find them? Do PUSH provide them? You may have multiple questions about this process, so hopefully we…

Is there a cost for PUSH.fm?

PUSH.fm is a service which provides artists and creatives with access to the tools they need to market themselves. Whether you’re a musician, brand or influencer, you can use PUSH’s links to help promote yourself and your service. Smart Links,…

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