Tag social marketing

How to control what posts you see on Facebook

How to control what posts you see on Facebook

You might follow pages that you like but feel they’re appearing a little too much. Or, perhaps you don’t want to unfriend that one person, but their constant updates are getting on your nerves. Well, you can change what you…

Shadowbanning on TikTok is real – why your video has no views

Shadowbanning on TikTok is real - why your video has no views

We’ve spoken before about various reasons why your TikTok video simply isn’t being pushed. However, we haven’t yet dived into shadowbanning and why, despite social platforms denying it, your videos really can be hidden. Shadowbanning is a concept that has…

Should independent artists promote their music on social media?

Recently, a new argument has come about whether independent musicians should be marketing their music online. Should they promote new releases across social platforms, or is this begging too much? There’s been quite the stir within the music world recently,…

Facebook or Instagram – which is better for small brands?

Sometimes when you’re a small brand, it’s not possible to manage multiple platforms. If you can only pick one would you choose Instagram or Facebook? Giving one platform lots of attention could be better for your business than giving many…

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