Tag social marketing

Digital marketing strategies for beginners

When you’re first starting out in any industry it can be tricky to find your feet. Not only do you have to learn your trade, but you also need to learn how to sell your brand or business. It can…

PUSH 101: How to manage Instagram comments

Delete them, pin them, reply to them. Everything you can do with Instagram comments broken down and made simple. Instagram is a fantastic social media platform with so much potential. You can flag certain comments as important if you want…

What is a marketing funnel and how can it benefit you?

Marketing can be a tricky concept to get your head around. When one person says one thing, another says something different. How do you find what’s right or wrong? Well, it all depends on your audience and what they need.…

Is there a cost for PUSH.fm?

PUSH.fm is a service which provides artists and creatives with access to the tools they need to market themselves. Whether you’re a musician, brand or influencer, you can use PUSH’s links to help promote yourself and your service. Smart Links,…

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