Tag songwriters

UK royalty collectors, MCPS report strengths in 2023 report

UK royalty collectors, MCPS report strengths in 2023 report

MCPS collect royalties for composers, songwriters, artists and publishers. They’ve reported that in 2023 the total distributions grew, which leads to profits. MCPS, the UK society that collects royalties for publishers and songwriters, has reported strong results for 2023. The…

Easy songwriting tips and techniques for beginners

Easy songwriting tips and techniques for beginners

Often singers want to write their own songs, or at least give it a go. But, it isn’t as easy as putting words onto a page or rhyming. Instead, you need to put thoughts, feelings and emotion into your lyrics.…

A guide to brainstorming Ideas for your next music track

A guide to brainstorming Ideas for your next music track

Finding a new idea can be tricky. Where do you start when you feel empty? Going back to the beginning can sometimes help, and stopping the pressure. Don’t force it. Whether you’re a seasoned musician or a budding artist, the…

YouTube hub created to help songwriters and producers grow

YouTube have created a hub feature designed for artists and producers. Within it are blog articles, and other resources which could help new artists level up their career. It’s not limited to artists with a certain following, so anyone can…

Spotify launches lyrics for all of its users globally

With a recent update, Spotify have added a feature which shows the lyrics to each song. This feature has been released to all Spotify accounts across the world. Now you’ll be able to sing along to your favourite tracks. Go…

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