Tag statistics

Spotify’s Q1 earnings for 2022

Spotify have announced their earnings for the first quarter. They’ve taken to For the Record to release information about how the company has performed so far this year. Their users are increasing as are subscribers. It’s sending out a strong…

Spotify monthly active users reached 406 million in 2021

Whether you’re a Spotify fan or not, you can’t argue they’re doing exceptionally well with their subscriptions. Within 2021 they grew to 406 million active users each month. It’s often found to be the preferred streaming store, and with statistics…

Spotify’s most popular content of 2021

Sit back, grab a cuppa and prepare yourself for what’s about to come… Can you guess who made it to the top spot? Or, do you have no idea? We have the inside scoop on all things Spotify, so we…

YouTube adverts are beating the entire global record business

Despite music companies Sony Music, Warner Music and Universal Music doing exceptionally well for themselves this year, YouTube has done ever better. Beating all other global record businesses and taking centre stage. New figures show just how well YouTube ads…

How to grow your YouTube audience with just one video

You’ve probably seen our previous blog post (we hope) all about growing your subscribers. As we mentioned in that article, there are so many ways to create growth on YouTube. We’ve found a really insightful video that might be beneficial…

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